
LIU Xiaohua
Tel: 86-10-62773772
Fax: 86-10-62770544
E-mail: [email protected]


Desiccant  dehumidification, Radiant cooling system

Temperature and Humidity  Independent Control (THIC) of HVAC system

Energy saving in  commercial Buildings


Bachelor of Science, School of Architecture, Tsinghua  University, 2002

Doctor of Philosophy in Heating, Ventilating and Air  Conditioning Engineering, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University,  2007


Assistant  Professor (2007-2010), Dept. of Building Science, School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University

Associate  Professor (2011-2015), Dept. of Building Science, School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University

Professor  (2016-till now), Dept. of Building Science, School of Architecture,  Tsinghua University


Mass Transfer in Indoor Built Environment (Undergraduate  student)

HVAC System Design (Undergraduate  student)

Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer (Graduate  student)

Thermal Science in Indoor Built Environment (Graduate  student)


Engage in  researches on building energy conservation and HVAC equipment and  system, and study in-depth the temperature and humidity independent  control (THIC) system and liquid desiccant dehumidification method.  Illustrate the combined heat and mass transfer characteristic in air  handling process using liquid desiccant, and invented a series of new  flow patterns of liquid desiccant dehumidification. Establish the  theoretical frame of THIC system and achieve good results in real  application. Be responsible for Foundation for the Author of National  Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of PR China, National Natural Science  Foundation Excellent Youth Science Fund and etc., and work as key member  of Project of Substitution Technologies of 11th and 12th  five-year plan and Key Program of the National Natural Science  Foundation.

Have  published nearly 100 scientific papers in academic publication (40 SCI  index papers) and three academic monographs as first author. Have  applied 31 invention patents (21 authorized), the patents about liquid  desiccant air handling processors have been transformed into  application. Have been awarded the second prize of National technical  invention in 2007, the first prize of China University Awards for  Science and Technology in 2010, and the first prize of Huaxia  Construction Science and Technology Award in 2012. Received the National  Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of PR China in 2009, the Excellent Young  Scientists Fund supported by NSFC (National Science Fund Committee) in  2014, the New Century Excellent Researcher Award Program from Ministry  of Education of China and Nova of Beijing Science and Technology Plan in  2011, Youth Top-notch Talent Support Program in 2013.




[1]   Xiaohua  Liu,  Yi Jiang, Tao Zhang. Temperature and Humidity Independent Control (THIC)  of Air-conditioning System. Springer Press, 2013

[2]   Xiaohua  Liu,  Yi Jiang. Temperature and Humidity Independent Control Air-conditioning  System. Chinese Architectural & Industrial Press, 2006(2nd  edition in 2013)

[3]   Yinping  Zhang, Lizhi Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, Jinhan Mo. Mass Transfer in  Built Environment. Chinese Architectural & Industrial Press, 2006

[4]   Chapter  9 Application of Liquid Desiccant System, in Desiccant- Assisted  Cooling. Springer Press, 2013

Journal  papers (2012-2014)

[1]    Tao  Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Development of temperature and  humidity independent control (THIC) air-conditioning systems in China -  A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2014,29:793-803

[2]    Rang  Tu, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Performance analysis of a two-stage  desiccant cooling system. Applied Energy. 2014,113:1562-1574

[3]    Lun  Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Exergy calculation and analysis of a  dehumidification system using liquid desiccant. Energy and Buildings.  2014, 69: 318-328.

[4]    Tao  Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. On site measurement and performance  optimization of the air-conditioning system for a datacenter in Beijing.  Energy and Buildings. 2014,71: 104-114

[5]   Kang  Zhao, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Dynamic performance of water-based  radiant floors during start-up and high-intensity solar radiation. Solar  Energy. 2014,101:232-244.

[6]   Kang  Zhao, Xiaohua Liu, et al. On-site measured performance of a  radiant floor cooling/heating system in Xi’an Xianyang International  Airport. Solar Energy. 2014, 108: 274-286.

[7]     Haida Tang, Xiaohua Liu. Experimental study of dew  formation on metal radiant panels. Energy and Buildings. 2014, 85:  515-523

[8]    Tao  Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Performance analysis of the  air-conditioning system in Xi’an Xianyang International Airport. Energy  and Buildings. 2013, 59(4): 11-20

[9]   Rang  Tu, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Performance analysis on a new kind of  heat pump driven outdoor air processor using solid desiccant. Renewable  Energy. 2013, 57(9): 101-110

[10] Tao Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Experimental  analysis of an internally cooled liquid desiccant dehumidifier. Building  and Environment. 2013, 63(5): 1-10

[11] Lun Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Application of  entransy in the analysis of HVAC systems in buildings. Energy. 2013, 53:  332-342

[12] Lun Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Experimental  evaluation of a suspended metal ceiling radiant panel with inclined  fins. Energy and Buildings. 2013, 62: 522-529

[13] Tao Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Performance  comparison of liquid desiccant air handling processes from the  perspective of matched properties. Energy Conversion and Management.  2013,75(11): 51-60

[14] Kang Zhao, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Application of  radiant floor cooling in a large open space building with high-intensity  solar radiation. Energy and Buildings. 2013, 66: 246-257

[15] Jingjing Jiang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Experimental  and numerical analysis of a cross-flow closed wet cooling tower. Applied  Thermal Engineering. 2013,61(2-3):678-689

[16] Rang Tu, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Performance  comparison between enthalpy recovery wheels and dehumidification wheels.  International Journal of Refrigeration. 2013,36(8):2308-2322

[17] Tao Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Performance  optimization of heat pump driven liquid desiccant dehumidification  systems. Energy and Buildings. 2012, 52(9): 132-144

[18] Lun Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Simplified  calculation for cooling/ heating capacity, surface temperature  distribution of radiant floor. Energy and Buildings. 2012, 55(12):  397-404

[19] Lun Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. A new concept for  analyzing the energy efficiency of air-conditioning systems. Energy and  Buildings. 2012, 44(1): 45-53

[20]Lun  Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Ideal efficiency analysis and  comparison of condensing and liquid desiccant dehumidification. Energy  and Buildings. 2012,49(6): 575-583

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